"HEALTH BEFORE WEALTH? ABSOLUTELY! Caisses Villageoises d’Epargne et de Crédit Autogérées (CVECAs) constitute a network of more than 100 Rural Banks managed by villagers themselves. These banks include over 500,000 people with their families. At this stage, drinking potable water, washing hands with soap, using dignified and clean latrines and sleeping under treated mosquito bed nets are all becoming part of regular CVECA members’ behavior thanks to AAA.
Through its PREVENTIVE HEALTH PLAN and MA YEM - MA BO (I KNOW AND I DO) Concept, AAA is transforming life in our villages by empowering each individual and making them measure the impact of their informed contribution to their own Health!
MIFED will continue to partner with AAA on these grounds."
En extirpant la désespérance des cœurs tendres et amers pour y mettre la joie de vivre et l’espérance, AAA se donne d’adoucir les souffrances précoces d’innocentes vies agressées dans la fraîcheur de l’aube.
Et comment rester indolente face à son cri d’alarme si plein d’humanisme et d’amour?
Uproot sorrows from bitter heart then plant life into it. Put sun in the wounded tender heart of an innocent soul tortured at an early dawn by cruel pangs of life. Those are" dreams come true" of AAA. And who can keep a deaf ear to AAA bells of humanism and love?
En plus du soutien matériel lié essentiellement à la prévention des maladies telles que le SIDA, le paludisme, les maladies de l’eau et des mains sales, En plus des bourses scolaires octroyées par AAA aux orphelines malvoyantes, Nous apprécions aussi les valeurs derrière l’action d’AAA. En rejetant la notion de charité « déshumanisante » et les stéréotypes négatifs, ces valeurs insistent sur le travail qui apprend aux membres de chaque communauté à identifier leurs problèmes et à les résoudre ensemble. Celles-ci renforcent l’esprit de l’hymne du CJARC qui affirme que le CJARC « bâti des hommes qui verront sans voir
Besides the material support mostly linked to disease prevention including AIDS, Malaria, infections caused by dirty water and hands, Besides AAA scholarships to blind girls, we also appreciate the values behind AAA actions. By rejecting de-humanizing charity and negative stereotypes, these values insist on collaboration among members of the same community to identify and solve their collective problems. By so doing these values reinforce CJARC Anthem affirming that “it will build people who will see despite blindness."
"The current International President of Soroptimist International, Alice Wells, said: “The essence of Soroptimist International is to educate women and girls today to create the female leaders of tomorrow." Education to Leadership is presently the major programme goal of Soroptimist International. Only through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities can the lives and status of women and girls be improved. I, personally, and my Club, SI Wien-Belvedere, fully subscribe to this statement. I salute the fact that AAA’s Scholarship Program will not only be leading to financial and economic autonomy of teenage orphan girls, but that it will also reduce the risk of being infected with HIV through sexual abuse and violence based on economic needs."
The Batonga Foundation supports secondary and higher education for girls in Africa, through organizations based in Africa including African Action on AIDS (2007). Often orphaned, and/or disadvantaged by early marriage, childbirth, poverty, or HIV/AIDs, Batonga scholars are some of the most vulnerable girls in their communities. Batonga believes that by empowering these girls to change their lives through education, they can overcome their circumstances, lead healthy lives, and positively contribute to their communities. The vast majority of Batonga girls would not be able to attend school without our support.
Angelique Kidjo, founder of the Batonga Foundation, Grammy Award-winning West African singer, songwriter, and UNICEF International Goodwill Ambassador, experienced first hand how educating one girl can initiate a positive force for change. Growing up in Benin, Angelique’s father encouraged her to go to school and eventually follow her dream of becoming a musician. She says, "If I wanted to be a successful singer, I had to attend school. I am so glad I did and I wish every girl could receive such guidance. Today, Angelique’s passion and commitment to improving adolescent girls’ lives in Africa is at the core of Batonga’s Mission.
Our vision is a world where NO ONE IS ALONE, a World without AIDS and one where Malaria is eradicated; a world where neither of these dreadful diseases touches another life. An Africa where AIDS and opportunistic diseases are eradicated and women and children lead healthy and productive lives."